Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Six "Abdominal" Exercises That You Better Be Doing

So you think you got your ab routine down huh? You do the same 5 - 10 minutes of "abs" after your cardio or strength workout four or five times a week and thats it. Guess what, you're doing it all wrong!

The abs should be treated just like any other muscle group in terms of training volume. Do your focused "ab" training about twice per week. The abs are so active in so many other exercises that they are (or should be) practically always working! Your abs can be overtrained and thus stop "growing" and getting stronger.

AND...I hope you already know that you will not get a sweet six pack by doing a million crunches everyday, right? There is no such thing as "spot reduction." We ALL have a six pack, but the reason we can't see it is most likely because there is a layer of fat hiding it! If you think you are training your abs and core properly, be sure you're doing enough cardio and clean up that diet!

Now, to the SIX EXERCISES that you better be including in that killer ab workout of yours! DO NOT DO THE SAME ROUTINE EVERY TIME!

1. Front Plank

2. Resistance Band Twist (standing or seated on ball)

3. Stability Ball Crunch (with resistance)

4. Dead Bug

5. Stability Ball Rollout (Ab Roller, Ab Dolly, or Ab Wheel)

6. Bicycle Crunch

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