Are your visits to the gym becoming stale, boring, and feeling more like a chore than something you enjoy? Did you ever try stepping outside those walls and giving yourself a good old fashioned and likely deserved butt-kicking? Try this challenge workout that I dreamt up and you'll be sure to get a great total body workout and burn fat like no other!
Here is what you'll need: a watch, a set of moderate weight dumbells (fit dudes 25 - 30 lbs., fit chicks 15 - 20 lbs.), a kick-ass playlist on your iPod, and some water.
Someday I'll actually post a video of some of my workouts, but for now enjoy my somewhat awful descriptive writing. Here is the challenge: "9 Rounds to the Ground"
5 minutes of dynamic movements (walking, jogging, heel kicks, hi-knees, jumping jacks, lateral shuffles, etc.) to break a light sweat and elevate your heart rate.
Start your timer and see how long it takes you to complete the entire 9 rounds. Rest as needed, but keep the clock running!
Round 1
20 Steam-engines each side (think standing bicycle crunch)
16 up-down planks (alternate from hands to elbows while holding plank position - 8 each)
10 burpees
20 crunches
* perform all four exercises in order repeating the series three times
Round 2
20 push-ups
20 speed squats (no weight)
20 speed squats (no weight)
20 bent over dumbell rows
20 alternating forward lunge (10 each leg, no weight)
* perform all four exercises in order repeating the series three times
Round 3
20 single arm dumbell clean and press (10 each arm)
20 crunches
20 push-ups
16 alternating jumping lunges (8 each side)
* perform all four exercises in order repeating the series three times - stop timer!
Round 4 - fall to the ground and curse me
Don't forget to stretch thoroughly afterwards and come back here to post your time.
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