You know what they say about excuses, we all got em' and I'm sick of hearing em'! Here are the top five excuses I hear daily for why people don't workout at all or as much as they should: By the way, THEY ALL STINK!
1) "I don't have time" - Really, you can't find at least 1 hour at least five days a week to devote towards your health and longevity? Tell you what; if you think you can't find time for exercise, send me your schedule! If I can't find you at least five hours in your "crazy" schedule each week, I will personally come to your house or office and train you for FREE once a week for a year!
2) "I can't afford a gym membership" - How much does it cost to go for a walk or a jog? Last time I heard, push-ups and crunches are going pretty cheap right now too!
3) "My (insert body part here) hurts" - Unless you are in a full body cast, there is alwasys something you can do...ALWAYS!
4) "I'm too tired" - Guess what, everyone is TIRED!
5) "Exercise just isn't for me" (yeah, people actually have said this!) - Talk to me when you're constantly at your doctor complaining of injuries and sickness and then talk to me when you're on the verge of dying years earlier than you should. Is it still just not your "thing?"
The best part about all of this is that there is always a way to navigate around these excuses! Remember, "you only get 1"
GET MOVING TODAY! You can thank me later.
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