Here are 51 simple things (in no particular order) that you can add to your routine that will improve your fitness level immediately. You don't have to do (or follow) them all, but start weaving them in and notice the positive changes in the way you look and feel!
These statements have not been approved by the FDA, FBI, DEA, CIA, CDC, IRS, or any other governing body with a scary acronym; they are simply things that I think I know will help YOU!
1. If you smoke or chew tobacco...stop right now and go get your head checked! You obviously don't care about yourself enough to be reading this blog!
2. Drink at least 1/2 of your body weight (in ounces) of water each day.
3. Take a daily multi-vitamin.
4. Learn how to perform exercises and use machines properly before doing them.
5. If you don't know how to exercise properly, ask a certified personal trainer to show you how.
6. If doing a particular exercise hurts you, stop doing it!
7. Include intervals in your cardio training. Not sure what an interval is? Ask me!
8. Get your butt on the Stairmill or Stepper at least once a week for at least 20 minutes! It's hard, therefore, it works!
9. Stop drinking soda.
10. Decrease the amount of processed foods you are consuming, the sodium content is dangerous in almost all processed foods.
11. Increase the amount of natural / organic foods in your diet.
12. Stretch after EVERY workout session.
13. Stop doing the same damn workout every time you go into the gym, keep your body on it's toes and you'll never hit a plateau.
14. Do push-ups!
15. Break a sweat at least five days a week.
16. If you can't find 5 - 7 hours a week to exercise, stop lying to yourself, you're not that important!
17. If you're too tired or too stressed to workout...good news, exercise is a natural anti-depressant and energy booster!
18. Get 7 - 8 hours of sleep each night.
19. Do pull-ups!
20. If you are working out "enough" and you're not losing weight or bodyfat (if that's your goal) start a food log! Write down every single thing you put down your throat. I guarantee you're not eating properly.
21. Start cutting back on the amount of sugar in your diet immediately!
22. If you are sick, it's OK to REST!
23. If you are injured, it's OK to REST!
24. Eat an apple a day.
25. Learn what it means to "draw in your core" and practice it with almost every exercise you do.
26. Sit up (and stand up) straight and tall, we all sit too much, and we all SLOUCH way too much!
27. Start exercising in unstable environments, ie. on a stability ball, BOSU Ball, Dyna Disk, Airex Pad, or simply while standing on 1 foot. Get away from those machines ALL the time, they are fine in moderation.
28. Speaking of moderation, don't go crazy and deprive yourself of foods and beverages that you enjoy. You need to reward yourself periodically for the work you've done, just be careful and "pick your spots"
29. Do Deadlifts, but learn how to do them properly!
30. Increase the amount of fiber in your diet.
31. Give yoga or Pilates a try, you may love it!
32. Make sure your playlist motivates you and gets you moving, if you don't listen to music when you exercise, TRY IT!
33. Got a sweet tooth after meals? Always keep sugar-free gum with you and jam a piece in your mouth as soon as that craving hits, it'll go away!
34. Yogurt and almonds are a great before bed snack.
35. NEVER skip breakfast!!!!
36. Always schedule your workouts on your iPhone, Blackberry, planner, etc. It's part of your day isn't it?
37. Do squats!
38. Learn how to properly use a foam roller and roll all major muscle groups at least once a month.
39. Switch from whole milk to 2% or skim already!
40. Stop eating white bread; whole wheat or multi-grain taste better anyway.
41. Get a reliable workout partner and hold each other accountable!
42. Write down 1 short-term and 1 long-term SMART goal and keep it with you at all times. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-stamped.
43. Get outdoors and exercise sometimes, a change in atmosphere can be very motivating.
44. Stop it with the fad diets, weight loss pills, and gadgets you see on TV and read about in US Weekly already! There is no easy way out; if it were easy 65% of the population wouldn't be obese and we'd all be walking around looking for reasons to tear our clothes off! Just start sweating!
45. So you're still taking the escalators and elevators? Really? Are ya, really?
46. Almost every tasty food out there nowadays has an almost as tasty lower calorie, lower fat alternative...give them a try!
47. Keep a set of exercise clothes in your car at all times, if you go home after work to change for the gym, you won't always make it there.
48. Don't go food shooping when you are hungry. You will generally buy things that you don't need to be eating, and if they are in in your kitchen, you will consume them.
49. Learn and try simple, at-work stress relief techniques, ie. deep breathing, meditation, walking, etc. Stress is the "silent-killer."
50. Stop it with the EXCUSES already! Excuses are crutches for the weak and lazy. If you truly want to live a better, healthier, happier life go out and do something about it!
51. Check out my blog at least weekly, tell your friends about it, and become a "follower." Make comments on things you find here and don't be afraid to question me about what you read. I appreciate all types of feedback!